硬質金めっき(Hard Gold Plating)Au99.5~99.7% Co0.3~0.5%
・フラッシュめっきから10μm以上の厚膜の量産品より小ロット特殊品まで 競争力のある価格にて対応致します。
・We can provide from flush plating to more than 10㎛ thickness plating by mass-production, small amount and special production.
・We developed a plating method with smaller thickness difference between inner and out surfaces for blind hole. This method is accepted by many customers.
純金めっき(Pure Gold Plating)Au99.99%
・Used for bonding and products that are utilized in a temperature range in which the color of hard gold plating is changed.
・Partial plating to Kovar (Fe-Ni alloy) glass for the purpose of sealing, we can accept a special product by small amount and mass-produces.
金ダイレクトめっき(Direct Gold Plating)純金(Au99.99%)または硬質金めっき(Au99.7%+Co0.3%)
・対象素材は無酸素銅、真鍮、リン青銅、ベリリウム銅などの銅合金、 及びステンレス各種、コバールなどの鉄-ニッケル合金です。
・Gold plating directly on the materials(Oxygen-free copper, brass, phosphors bronze, various copper alloys(beryllium copper), various stainless steel and Kovar(iron-nickel alloy).
・Excellent high-frequency characteristics can be achieved
ロジウムめっき(Rhodium Plating)Rh99.9%~97%
・ご依頼の特性に合わせたロジウムめっき液を各種用意しており、 フラッシュめっきから10μm以上の厚めっきまでクラックレスでの処理が可能です。
・We prepare various Rhodium plating solutions according to your requests and flash plating to thickness plating of more than 10㎛.
・We have experiences of 150㎛ plating, and can produce pipes by electroforming.
プラチナめっき(Platinum Plating)Pt99.99%
・We prepare various platinum plating solutions according to your requests and flash plating to thickness plating of more than 10㎛.
・We have experiences of 100㎛ plating, and can produce pipes by electroforming.
パラジウムめっき(Palladium Plating)Pd99.9%
・めっき膜の中に水素を吸蔵しやすく、厚めっきが難しい処理ですが、 クラックレスにて厚膜対応致します。
・We can provide thick film plating without crack.
・We can provide pipes made by electroforming using plating solution for thick film thick with low stress and half brightness.
光沢硬質銀めっき(Bright Hard Silver Plating)Ag97.0%
・無光沢銀めっきより硬い膜質の為、耐摩耗性が良いなどの物理的特性を有し、 はんだ付け性にも優れていることから、接点等に用いられます。
・Use for contacts because it has high wear resistance and excellent soldering.
・This plating has a soft silver color and an extremely high reflectance.
無光沢銀めっき(Matte Silver Plating)Ag99.9%以上
・We have many experiences to treat matte silver plating for special functional parts.
光沢ニッケルめっき(Bright Nickel Plating)
・Nickel sulfate-based electro plating.
・We developed a plating method with smaller thickness difference between inner and out surfaces for blind hole. This method is accepted by many customers.
・Fine crystalline nickel film with 200㎛ can be formed uniformly on an inner surface of hole with some tens of diameter and 1:60 of aspect ratio.
スルファミン酸ニッケルめっき (Sulphamic Acid Nickel Plating)
・Sulphamic acid nickel-based matte plating.
・High purity nickel and low electrical resistance.
・It has good wettability and low void by precious plating with super pure water.
無光沢ニッケルめっき(Matte Nickel Plating)
・Sulfate nickel-based matte plating.
・High purity of nickel, low electrical resistance and good corrosion resistance.
・Used for brazing by partial plating.
化学ニッケルめっき(Chemical Nickel Plating)
高リン(リン含有量12~13%)Phosphorus High(12~13%)
中リン(リン含有量 9~11%)Phosphorus Mid (9~11%)
低リン(リン含有量1.5~3%)Phosphorus Low (1.5~3%)
・We can provide different kinds Ni plating using three kinds of solutions with respective eutectoid rates.
・These are lead-free films
・We can propose from crystalline to amorphous according to your requests.
光沢黒ニッケルめっき(Bright Black Nickel)光沢電解黒ニッケル、無電解黒ニッケル (Bright electro black nickel, Gloss electroless black nickel)
・Any requests can be accepted.
・Our plating can avoid scratch by any cause.
・We can realize uniform black surface.
無光沢黒ニッケルめっき (Matte Black Nickel Plating)無光沢電解黒ニッケル、無光沢無電解黒ニッケル (Matte electro black nickel, Matte electroless black nickel)
・Our plating can be applied to wide range of application from micro parts to large scale communication devices.
・We can provide the plating without crack during swaging.
光沢スズめっき(Bright Tin Plating)
・We produce to process mass-produced for special products that is low insertion force and blind hole shape.
・We have experiences of partial plating with nickel and gold plating.
・Special plating, such as 50㎛ of thick film plating on whole surface or partial surface, can be provided.
無光沢スズめっき(Matte Tin Plating)
・Post treatment to avoid the growth of whisker and change of color, can be provide according to your requests
・Plating to partial nickel base material.
・上記めっき処理後の封孔処理、変色防止剤等 多数取り揃え、各機能部品に最適な後処理を提案致します。
・Sealing process after plating process.
・Anti-tarnish agent.
・We propose any kind of post treatments.
・electrolytic polishing of stainless steel/chemical polishing(Ti).
・We can accept any plating processes.